
3 vanlige spørsmål om varsling - med Mari Verling, advokat og partner i Kvale Advokatfirma

336 visninger
June 12, 2023

Mari er førende norsk personvernekspert innenfor varsling.

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Hva gjelder - og hva kan du gjøre?

  • Alle virksomheter med fem arbeidstakere eller mer plikter å ha varslingsrutiner. 
  • Undersøkelser viser likevel at kun 65 prosent av norske virksomheter har slike rutiner på plass.
  •  I mange tilfeller er rutinene utdaterte. 
  • Med enkle grep kan du oppfylle de kravene som gjelder.


I dette webinaret - gled deg til å få nyttig innsikt i:

 • Hva er varsling?

• Hva må varslingsrutiner inneholde – og hva er det praktisk at de inneholder? 

• Hva må man gjøre om man mottar et varsel? 

• Hvilken type virksomheter kan ha fordel av en ekstern varslingskanal/Whistleblower-løsning?

• Hvilke virksomheter har ikke bruk for en slik løsning?

• Hvordan fungerer en Whistleblower-løsning? Fordeler? Ulemper?

• Cases og bestepraksis


Gled deg til effektive og nyttige minutter - hjertelig velkommen!

 - Anne-Grete 


Få opptaket uansett: Forhindret? Ingen hindring, meld deg på allikevel og vi sender opptaket til deg i etterkant.


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miksoal 11. april 2024 06:49 Delete

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james 1. april 2024 08:15 Delete

Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad to hear that you found the content informative and valuable. Providing valuable insights and information is always my goal, and I'm committed to continuing to share helpful content on a wide range of topics. If you have any specific topics or questions you'd like to see addressed in future posts, please feel free to let me know. Your feedback is important, and I'm here to help with any information you may need. Thank you for visiting the website, and I look forward to sharing more valuable insights with you in the future!
Access control systems play a crucial role in enhancing security and controlling access to buildings, facilities, and sensitive areas. In New York, there are several companies that offer access control systems services. Here are some key features and services you can expect from access control system providers in New York:
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mark 1. april 2024 03:15 Delete

A stylish alternative to the traditional Mohawk, featuring short hair styled into a central ridge with tapered sides.
These are just a few of the many men’s short hairstyles trending in 2024. Whether you prefer a classic look or something more modern and edgy, there’s a short hairstyle to suit every taste and preference.mens short hairstyles the latest trends

larkimpressive 28. mars 2024 04:41 Delete

In the first-person shooter game funny shooter 2, players utilize an extensive arsenal of weapons to eliminate eerie and humorous-appearing foes in a three-dimensional environment. Varies of levels introduce something fresh and thrilling, including bosses, weapons, enemies, or upgrades.

mark 13. mars 2024 12:59 Delete

It's wonderful to hear that you appreciate the efforts of the United States War Dogs Association to maintain an ad-free space for its forum members. Keeping forums free of advertisements can indeed enhance the user experience by allowing members to focus on discussions and relevant information without distractions.
When it comes to hairstyles, personal preference often plays a significant role. However, here are 11 popular and stylish hairstyles for men that are commonly associated with a confident and appealing look, often favored by individuals with a military background:A classic military-inspired haircut, the crew cut features short hair all around the head, typically buzzed close to the scalp.A classic military-inspired haircut, the crew cut features short hair all around the head, typically buzzed close to the scalp.https://www.wpgio.com/11-best-army-hairstyle-for-men-so-that-any-girl-will-drool-over-you/

mark 13. mars 2024 12:59 Delete

It's wonderful to hear that you appreciate the efforts of the United States War Dogs Association to maintain an ad-free space for its forum members. Keeping forums free of advertisements can indeed enhance the user experience by allowing members to focus on discussions and relevant information without distractions.
When it comes to hairstyles, personal preference often plays a significant role. However, here are 11 popular and stylish hairstyles for men that are commonly associated with a confident and appealing look, often favored by individuals with a military background:A classic military-inspired haircut, the crew cut features short hair all around the head, typically buzzed close to the scalp.A classic military-inspired haircut, the crew cut features short hair all around the head, typically buzzed close to the scalp.

https://www.rockymountainoils.com/products/geranium-essential-oil 12. mars 2024 17:34 Delete

Thank you! I appreciate your offer of assistance. I'm excited to dive into gardening and explore different varieties of tea. I'll definitely reach out if I have any questions or need recommendations along the way. Here's to a fruitful garden and many enjoyable tea moments in the new year!
Geranium essential oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the Pelargonium graveolens plant, commonly known as geranium. This versatile essential oil offers a wide range of potential benefits for both physical and emotional well-being. Here are some of the key uses and benefits of geranium essential oil:https://www.rockymountainoils.com/products/geranium-essential-oil

Maritime Security Guard New York 12. mars 2024 15:05 Delete

That sounds like a wonderful plan for the new year! Gardening can be a rewarding and relaxing activity, and finding the perfect teabags can certainly enhance those moments of relaxation. If you need any tips or recommendations for gardening or tea selection, feel free to ask. Wishing you a fruitful garden and delightful tea moments in the year ahead!
It's great to hear about Dahlcore Security Guard Services' expertise in providing maritime security services. Maritime security is crucial for protecting vessels, ports, and maritime infrastructure from various threats. With their experience and portfolio covering yacht security, maritime security, and port security, Dahlcore Security Guard Services seems well-equipped to handle the challenges of this sector. In the article, it would be beneficial to highlight specific services offered, industry certifications, case studies, and testimonials to showcase their capabilities and reliability in ensuring maritime safety and security.Maritime Security Guard New York

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